
Abdul Djalil Pirous

(b. 1933, Indonesian)
b. Meulaboh, W. Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, 1932

He enrolled Fakultas Teknik at Universitas Indonesia in Bandung (now Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Design, Institut Tehnologi Bandung or Bandung Institute of Technology, ITB) in 1955. Upon graduating in 1964, he was appointed as a lecturer. In 1969, Pirous received a scholarship from the John D. Rockefeller the 3rd Foundation to study Graphic Design and Printmaking at Rochester Insitute of Technology in Rochester, NY, USA. Upon returning to ITB in 1972, he established and headed the programme in Visual Communication Design, then from 1985 to 1991 served as a Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design. Since 1989 he has taught in the master degree programme, and in 1994 was promoted to professor. He initiated a new course, Asia- Pacific Modern Art, on which he himself lectured from 1997 to 2002. Pirous has held his solo exhibitions in Jakarta and London, England. He won Best Paintng Award in the First Indonesian Biennale in Jakarta in 1974. He received the Anugrah Seni Art Award in 1985 and the Satyalancana Kebudayaan Cultural Award in 2003 from Indonesia Government. His works have been published in the books A.D. Pirous: Painting, Etching and Serigraphy (1985) and A.D. Pirous: Vision, Faith and a Journey in Indonesian Art, 1985-2002. He active in art organizations since 1973. He has managed Studio Decenta and curated several shows in Indonesia. He has led delegations of artists for ASEAN and Asia Pacific group exhibitions in Indonesia and aboard.

Abdul Djalil Pirous in current auction: